Idea Management Systems research – interesting links and articles compilation

Relating to my Idea Management research, I have put together a compilation of interesting articles and websites. Bear in mind that this is primarily done from the point of view of a researcher interested in data structures and mechanics of Idea Management Systems. The content below is byfar not complete and the choice is fully subjective. However, it should make an interesting read in terms of introduction to selected topics. To make browsing easier I aggregated all in categories and also sorted the links by my personal preference.

Do you know any other interesting resources ? Let me know in the comments !

note: please be advised that in a number of sections the criteria by which I list or order publications is subjective to my research interest which is: data, data and once again data in Idea management. (and also my personal likes or dislikes of certain publications)

note2: bibtex infos to come soon ™ 🙂

1. Idea Management Systems – vendor lists

2. Idea Management Systems & Innovation Management- research related to Semantic Web and Ontologies
2.1. Active projects:

  • GI2MO – shamelessly I link my project first ;). The goal of the project is to use Semantic Web technologies to solve a number of problems of Idea Management. The core and entry point is a proposal of an ontology for Idea Management Systems.
  • Idea Ontology – another interesting project with a similar goal to GI2MO. Different approach nonetheless equally interesting.

2.2. Selected Publications:

  • “A Model for Integration and Interlinking of Idea Management Systems”, Westerski et al. [bibtex]
  • “An Idea Ontology for Innovation Management.”, Riedl et al. [bibtex]
  • “Semantic innovation management across the extended enterprise.”, Ning et al. [bibtex]
  • “Innovation and Ontologies.”, Bullinger [bibtex]

3. Idea Management & Innovation Management – research or publications unrelated to Semantic Web
3.1. Idea Management Systems

  • “The A to Z of Idea Management.”, Schwartz [bibtex] – a book that attempts to describe in a systematic way how Idea Management Systems work
  • “Improving idea generation and idea management in order to better manage the fuzzy front end of innovation”, Glassman [bibtex] – a phd thesis focused on the first steps of idea life cycle
  • “Idea Management for organisational innovation”, Flynn et al. [bibtex]

3.2. Innovation Management (additional reading)

  • “Developing a software infrastructure to support systemic innovation through effective management.”, Dooley et al. [bibtex]
  • “Innovation Metrics and Measurment in 2009”, xxx et al. – an interesting publication about what innovation metrics are used companies
  • “Information technology support for the knowledge and social processes of innovation management”, Adamides et al.
  • ….

note: the literature and resources on the particular topic of Innovation Management is very rich, yet often it goes very far away from the specific area of Idea Management. Therefore, I listed only a few positions that can be loosely connected through their study being related to Computer Science or having some influence to Idea Management problems (e.g. innovation metrics paper).

4. Idea Management Systems – interesting news websites, blogs etc.

  •“, online magazine, regularly updated with lots of interesting news posts. However, much broader scope then just Idea Management.
  • Idea Management Systems“, a blog run by Lauchlan Mackinnon. Focused on Idea Management by also posting some short articles on topics loosely connected to innovation.
  • Innovation Tools“, a portal with some info about Idea Management, including news and blog posts. Be advised tho, in my personal opinion the objectivity of some posts here is very doubtful and sometimes looks like sponsored by certain vendors (e.g. to support my claim, take a look at one of their recommended resources: “A Short History of Idea Management“)

5. Idea Management Systems – company blogs, newsletters etc.

note: be advised that the goal of Idea Management vendors is to make profit, so look at the objectivity of all the information with care and keep it mind that it not always might be the full picture what you read.

  • Spigit company blog, Fairly often updated with information not directly related to business but also innovation management theory in general.
  • Imaginatik company blog, contains both reports on company activity (e.g. case studies) as well as some articles on innovation with regard to its connection to Idea Management
  • Mark Turrell blog, a blog of CEO of Imaginatik. Not really that active anymore but contains a number of interesting posts on the topic of Idea Management.
  • Newsletters, contrary to what you might think, its not always only marketing and advertisement. Companies like BrightIdea or Accept sometimes run online presentations where they share their experience or invite some people to talk about innovation topics.

7 Replies to “Idea Management Systems research – interesting links and articles compilation”

  1. Thanks for the shout out, Adam. And thanks for the other sources as well. It has been my experience that constantly researching the topic is the only way to stay up to speed. Innovation (and idea management) is going through an evolutionary process, so its current state is never what it was yesterday. The few of us focusing on the arena and publishing (I have to believe) are a necessary resource for the many who are trying to get a handle on it.
    Certainly the economy has caused much of the interest….if sales are down, how to we come up with the next “breakthrough product” in order to get the attention of our marketplace and inspire them to buy?

    Best of luck and keep up the good work. I appreciate your efforts.

  2. @Vincent thanks for the link, somehow i missed Brightidea blog, I’ll check it out, seems interesting,

    @Ron thanks for the good words 🙂 To be honest, I don’t really see things changing that fast in this area (well at least from my perspective which is probably way different then yours – I’m only doing academic research). From my experience so far the key problem is actually lack of good (and independent) sources of information on the web. Hopefully that will change as Idea Management gets more successful and gains even more in attention..

  3. @Lauchlan

    thanks for the input – indeed i missed the list you compiled on the side bar of your blog;p

    Regarding my project: I’ll be very happy to share more info about gi2mo! I’ll send you an email shortly with some basic information so we can continue the discussion. Great to see some interest ! Thanks 🙂

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