My PhD project unveiled!

With the publications awaiting review, more and more collaborations incoming and partners requesting detailed info I figured it’s time to bring to light my current project.

GI2MO is an acronym for Generic Idea and Innovation Management Ontology. In practice, the project aims to introduce Semantic Web technologies into Idea Management Systems. The ontology is the foundation for that but not the only building block. We already have quite some achievements and with the new collaborations I hope for even more! For details see GI2MO website – most of the progress about the project is going to be posted there.

GI2MO project being the framework for my research done on UPM will also serve as the primary topic around which I plan to build my PhD.

DEA marks two years spent in Spain (almost)!

This week I did my exam for ‘Diploma de Estudios Avanzados’ – short DEA. This marks roughly 2 years time spent in Spain doing my PhD. The “exam” is fairly simple, basically just a presentation about the research I did during the time and the courses I took. My presentation was mainly about the Semantic Web research I’ve done and the areas I apply it. You can check you the slides here.

I was talking about:

  • research I did on mashups during my first year here and the courses I took concurrently on the university (all this was rather a brief talk)
  • my current research on applying Semantic Web to Idea Management and my project (GI2MO) that will hopefully be the main pillar of my PhD (this was the main part of the presentation)

After being awarded with DEA the road to getting the PhD diploma is opened and in theory, if I had done enough research/publications, I might as well get it the day after (which obviously won’t happen ;p).

Time flies – one year in Spain

So…one year passed since I came to Spain. As expected, it was a major change, especially that I’ve decided to finally start a PhD after working for past years in Ireland at the DERI institute.

My first year on the university was in large part about participating in obligatory PhD courses (in spanish!). Now, I’m almost done with that (the student year formally ends in September). For each of the courses students have to prepare some kind of work – usually a publication style paper and present it in class room for others. Depending on the course type I was writing and investigating some interesting topics. I’ve put quite some work into this, hence, I figured I’ll publish the papers here:

  • Semantic Web evolution: towards the usability of data (for Aplicaciones y Servicios Avanzados Internet course) [paper]
  • The Two Cultures (for Aplicaciones y Servicios Avanzados Internet course) [presentation]
  • Overview of Cloud Computing large-scale processing technologies (Metodologias y Arquitecturas Orientadas a Objetos para Sistemas Telematicos) [paper] [presentation]
  • Dynamic FAQ systems (Agentes Inteligentes. Aspectos Metodologicos, Logicos y de Contexto) [paper] [presentation]
  • Sentiment Analysis: Introduction and State of the Art overview (Tecnologias Lingüisticas y Aplicaciones en la Web) [paper] [presentation]
  • Metodología de desarrollo ágil para sistemas móviles (Temas Avanzados de Ingenieria de Servicios Telematicos) [paper]
  • some paper about PhD Thesis planning (Metodologia y Documentacion Cientifica) [paper eng] [paper esp]
  • bunch of  writeups about seminars on UPM during the year (for Seminario de Investigación course)